🪙Token Distribution
Total supply: 1,000,000,000
Token Distribution
Entity | % | Amount |
Treasury | 45.0% | 450,000,000 |
Establishing Contributors | 25.0% | 250,000,000 |
Seed Funding | 15.0% | 150,000,000 |
Liquidity Mining Budget | 7.5% | 75,000,000 |
The Great Fill | 7.5% | 75,000,000 |
- Phase 1: Protocol Owned Liquidity | 2.2% | 22,222,222 |
- Phase 2: Public Sale | 5.3% | 52,777,778 |
Seed Funders: 2-year linear vesting
Establishing Contributors: 2-year linear vesting with 6 month cliff
Liquidity Mining Schedule
Liquidity mining will take place over four quarters with the following emission schedule.
Last updated